The Relative strength Bollinger oscillator indicator is used to know the current market trend opportunities. This indicator is used with the Bollinger bands.
RSI Bollinger Oscillator Indicator
This is used for identifying that how much buy and sell points and how can we can move towards a good and beneficial trend strategy. It tells us the possible trend direction according to the situation.
Traders use the Bollinger bands to know the possible price trends that may occur. The graph lines of this indicator move between zero and 100. When its value is above 70 then RSI Bollinger called overvalued and when its value becomes 30 then it is called oversold. This is used to notify that when and in which direction the price will up and down.
Price up and Price down
There are two directions in which RSI Bollinger indicator moves first one is positive direction and second one negative direction. When it moves towards the positive or above the 70 then it tells that there is a great chance and possibilities of buy the price can be gone up to high. On the other hand, when its moves below 30 then is moves in negative direction and gives negative result and tells that there are possibilities of low rate of price and market trading opportunities are less.