AVERAGE DIRECTIONAL INDEX (ADX) indicator free download


Trading in the direction of a strong trend minimize the risk and increase profit potential. The AVERAGE DIRECTIONAL INDEX is used to indicate when the price is gravitating strongly. In many cases, it is the trend indicator. It is a trend electricity indicator. ADX indicator can provide better outcomes. With the ADX indicator, the main component to bear in mind is that even as there may be numerous di+ and di- crossovers, the ADX indicator’s power suggests the fashion strength.


ADX is used to quantify trend strength. ADX calculations are based on a moving average of price range expansion over a given period. The default setting is 14 bars, although other periods can be used. ADX is plotted as a single line with values from zero to 100. It is non-directional. It shows whether the rate is trending up or down. It has three variables, the di+, di- and the ADX.

When the green line (+DI)is above the red line (-DI), it means that the price is moving up and ADX measures the strength of the uptrend. When the green line and Red line both are moving down, then the ADX measures the strength in the downtrend.

ADX values help the traders to identify the strongest and most profitable trade. The values are important to differentiate between trending and non-trending conditions. We recommend you use the best time frames.

  • USES
  • ADX indicator is used to indicate strength trend in the trade.
  • Its calculations are based on moving average price.
  • It is used to differentiate between trending and non-trending conditions.
  • It helps to identify profitable trade.
  • From the rise and fall of lines in the ADX indicator graph, the traders sense the price climax.


  • First step: – Download the ADX indicator for Meta Trader 4.
  • Second step: -Copy ADX indicator for Meta Trader 4.mq4 to your Meta trader Directory/experts/indicators/
  • Start or restart your Meta trader 4 Client
  • Select Chart and Timeframe where you want to test your MT4 indicators
  • Search “Custom Indicators” in your Navigator mostly left in your Meta trader 4 Client
  • Right-click on ADX indicator for Meta Trader 4.mq4
  • Attach to a Chart
  • Modify settings or press ok
  • In the end, the ADX indicator for Meta Trader 4.mq4 is available on your Chart.

  • First step: Select the Chart where is the Indicator running in your Meta Trader 4.
  • Second Step: Right-click into the chart.
  • Third step: Indicators list.
  • At the last: Select the indicator and delete it.

These are simple and easy steps that you need to follow before starting trade because it gives you buy and sell zone indicator with almost 90% precision.

Ahead you are going to begin in real account trading you need to trade at the minimum for one month as a demo in any MT4 or MT5 brokers. It awards you more potential for getting quality payback in long or short term trading across also moving average.

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